[TYPO3-core] Official information about the upcoming LTS version

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Oct 1 14:41:39 CEST 2012

Michael Stucki schrieb am 01.10.2012 14:30:

>> Slightly offtopic, but my point of view on the "6 months release cycle":
> Thanks for your notes!
>> There are no wasted resources (on the contrary), because doing a
>> "release" is just the sum of stuff that was done until the feature
>> freeze. The development time is the same, and considering that
>> motivation is higher if you get the chance to integrate more often. The
>> actual "release process" (involving marketing, banner for the homepage,
>> events, writing the news, etc) are (in my view) peanuts of effort
>> compared to the time that went into development itself.
> That's pretty important to know. In fact, this means there's almost no
> additional price for providing another LTS version...

Don't get me wrong: The amount of work for the release is peanuts
compared to the work of the whole development team, but it is the work
that is most difficult to get somebody to do: it happen on a less
voluntary basis and cannot happen "spontaneously" (like a feature we
could postpone for the "next release"). The work falls on each release
no matter what.

Thus it still needs to be financed by the T3A (the release manager has a
budget, so does the Marketing and Press teams). Having a release each 6
months of course mean more budget required for these tasks in particular!

Releasing a LTS should require even more financial support (for writing
press releases, articles, beautiful website / logo, banners, release
parties etc), because that's one of those rare unique event in the TYPO3
chronology that gather even more attention from the public.

> Just wondering now: Do we have an agreement?

Yes from my side.


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