[TYPO3-core] Proposal for the upcoming Roadmap and LTS
Tolleiv Nietsch
tolleiv.nietsch at typo3.org
Thu Nov 15 15:42:58 CET 2012
would you mind to "push" all this into another thread? - This doesn't
belong to any of the LTS planning and from want I read it could really
be a 100+ messages chain of it's own.
Alexander Hahn schrieb:
> Hi Philipp,
> after reading several sites and articles on typo3.org all those points
> are known to me know. Nevertheless thanks for the list.
> But who reads the forge? Designers, Webdesigners? Maybe some, but look
> at the total amount of votes. The item on top has ten votes! This,
> compared to the size of our community, seems to me like a number much
> too low.
> On the other hand, read the first ten requests, all of them have a clear
> focus on programming. We need people who have expertise in concept,
> layout and webdesign.
> The only way, in my opinion, to reach them is a central navigation point
> on typo3.org in conjunction with a marketing effort to push this idea so
> everyone in this huge community gets the message. This is and can not be
> the function of the forge.
> Alex
> On 2012-11-14 19:26:29 +0000, Philipp Gampe said:
>> Hi Alexander Hahn,
>> Alexander Hahn wrote:
>>> Wouldn't a list of features people want or need be nice? Maybe more
>>> people would start developing them. Now there is a huge barrier for new
>>> people (developer, designer, webdesigner) to start something or even to
>>> know they could start something on their own.
>> We lack neither ideas nor patch requests, but we do lack reviewers and
>> testers. That would (IMHO) the most helpful way to support TYPO3 CMS atm.
>> You can vote for issues at forge and you can ask on the dev list for
>> supportes if you want to implement a feature.
>> You can also contact the release managers and core team leaders via
>> email if
>> you want to contribute.
>> Most wanted features:
>> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-core/issues?query_id=321
>> Easy tasks (190):
>> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-core/issues?query_id=219
>> Pending patch request (features, master):
>> https://review.typo3.org/#/q/status:open+project:TYPO3v4/Core+branch:master+message:feature,n,z
>> Pending patch request (bugfixes, all branches):
>> https://review.typo3.org/#/q/status:open+project:TYPO3v4/Core+branch:master+message:bugfix,n,z
>> On top of that you can (contribute):
>> * Documentation (references, guides)
>> * Flow, Neos
>> * Extensions
>> * Introduction package
>> * Translations
>> * spead knowledge, share tutorials, material of all kinds
>> Best regards
Tolleiv Nietsch
TYPO3 Core Developer
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