[TYPO3-core] New logo in old branches. Revert?

Simon Schaufelberger (Schaufi) simonschaufi at jesus.de
Fri Nov 9 16:57:26 CET 2012

hey guys, why wasting to much time in nonsence discussions. the thing 
was merged - fullstop.
better spend your time in fixing the open bugs, people are MUCH MORE 
suffering from these bugs than from a changed logo...

Regards, Schaufi

Am 09.11.2012 13:18, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> Hi!
> Michael Stucki wrote:
>> I would still like to know the reasons behind Lars' thoughts - would be
>> good to know if we change the logo again at some point... ;-)
> It probably comes from the offline world. For example, if Mercedes
> decides to change its logo, they would not replace the old logo on older
> models even when they manufacture them on a later day. It would be
> strange to have two old models with different logos on the same street.
> So from non-software world it looks better not to change the logo. For
> the software it is different because we really release new versions, not
> the copy of the same old version.

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