[TYPO3-core] Proposal for the upcoming Roadmap and LTS

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Thu Nov 8 12:02:06 CET 2012


On 7-11-2012 22:11, Lukas Rueegg [RTP] wrote:
> I can understand that argument. Even if I don't agree with it. Just
> because it is not fun to maintain an LTS release does not mean that
> there is no need of one in the whole perspective.

It's not (only) a matter of fun. The internet technology moves forward 
in a fast pace. TYPO3 CMS should not have an image of being old, 
standing still, not moving forward, etcetera. There is a definite need 
for new features.
Another thing is that we are in a transition process towards TYPO3 Neos. 
To make it easier for editors, administrators and extension developers 
the codebase and feature set of TYPO3 CMS and Neos are converging.

There is a lot that needs to be done, both with new features and with 
bugfixes. An LTS release means that after a couple of releases there is 
an extra version to maintain. Having overlap in yet another LTS version 
means even more versions to maintain. There simply isn't enough manpower 
available for this.

> I don't agree with that. We are a Gold member of the Association for
> years now. Since the release of the 4.5 LTS version, we did not need one
> single new feature, just maintenance releases of the LTS. So in my point
> of view, we paid for having the maintenance of the LTS version (please
> don't start a new discussion about the usage of the Assoc. budget at
> this point, I'm aware of all this).

Well, you didn't pay for maintenance releases, you paid for membership 
of the Association.
It could be that you didn't need a new feature, but many people do need 
new features. I won't list new features here, because they can easily be 
found on the web. New features are not only directly for editors and 
administrators, but also to facilitate new or updated extensions.
Maybe you haven't used a newly developed extension for the last couple 
of years.

> I'm still strongly FOR an LTS version, but what I'm reading between the
> lines of mostly all core developer speaking in this discussion, it's
> just a matter of money.

It's not "just a matter of money". Some of the developers work for an 
agency (or other company) that sponsors TYPO3 by letting the developer 
spend some of his working time on TYPO3 development. Others are working 
free-lance and spend some of their time on client projects and some on 
TYPO3 stuff.
These people have to make some money to pay for living. Maybe some of 
them would be happy to do the maintenance work instead of client 
projects/working for their employer. That is the money related part.

On the other hand you could try to find more developers who are willing 
to spend free time on TYPO3 or companies/agencies willing to donate some 
developers time on TYPO3. That way we could have more manpower available 
for maintenance.

If I fix a bug in the current development branch in many cases I have to 
backport it to three other versions at the moment. This is extra work 
and depending on how much the code has changed between releases it can 
be a lot of work. This time I would rather spend on either working on a 
new feature or working on another bugfix. There are plenty of issues in 
the bugtracker which need attention.
 From the arguments I heard so far I must conclude that the people who 
want an LTS version want developers to spend more time on maintenance 
because it is cheaper for clients and easier to sell for the agencies.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member

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