[TYPO3-core] Proposal for the upcoming Roadmap and LTS

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed Nov 7 20:55:59 CET 2012


On 7-11-2012 14:56, Dominik Stankowski wrote:
> I think LTS is a great marketing instrument

I think I'm bad at marketing, but the situation is simple:

- with TYPO3 you don't pay an initial license fee. Everything the client 
pays goes to the agency for installation, configuration, custom work, etc.
- with TYPO3 you don't pay a yearly license fee. Instead you pay the 
agency to keep the installation up-to-date.

Compared to a commercial CMS all the money goes to the agency.

If your sales people cannot turn this into a good story, I don't know 
what will.

>  From my observation, adoption of the versions 4.6 and 4.7 has not been
> that high and the adoption of version 6.0 will probably be similar.

At work we've used the latest stable version for each project. No 
problems. Upgrades cost money, but that is peanuts compared to the 
initial cost of the site. Also, if you upgrade regularly the costs are 
spread. If you jump from LTS to LTS (if a new LTS will come at all) the 
upgrade is more complex (extensions that work with 4.5 can have fatal 
problems with 6.x and their versions for 6.x won't run on 4.5) and will 
cost far more.

> So in order to move everyone to the next level, an LTS (e.g. 6.1) is
> more than overdue - and everyone will benefit from it, developers and
> agencies.

How will developers benefit from more unpaid maintenance work? I don't 
see a benefit in having to backport bugfixes to 3, 4, 5 versions which 
have a more and more diverting codebase. Can you explain that?

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member

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