[TYPO3-core] Gridelements in the core?

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Wed May 2 13:19:30 CEST 2012

> IMO this is the place where gridelements could be made much simpler by
> improving the core where it is needed and makes sense. As an example: If
> you misused a hook because a correct one isn't where you need it, it
> would be easy to add the hook. and so on.

Exactly that is the point.

Especially for the missing features regarding list module and/or 
language handling, there would be a need for addiitonal hooks since it 
is close to impossible to improve them to handle nested records properly.

BTW: This is another reason why grid elements is not fully ready for the 
core yet.
For the project of our sponsor there was no need for special list mode 
features and the application is German only, so we still have to find 
solutions for that.

Any help is highly appreciated :-)



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