[TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-core-internal] Co-leadership of Core Team

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Tue Mar 20 14:53:20 CET 2012

Hi guys,

after more than half a decade of activity (to variying degrees) in 
"official positions" in the TYPO3 core team, I would like to put down my 
role as co-leader of the team.

The reason for that is that the path I've chosen in terms of my 
professional career doesn't involve TYPO3 at the moment, and especially 
in the beginning of it, I want my full power to be dedicated on that. 
(For those who are interested: No, I don't have anything concrete yet. 
But it's got to be something "in economics" - although of course I have 
more concrete plans and wishes within that field as well.)

As for my future involvement, I do think that I will stay around in the 
TYPO3 world in some way or another. I could also imagine that with less 
things on my TYPO3 task list that I *have* to do, I will have some 
things that I really love to do and which I will keep doing or 
start-again doing after a while of absence. So for the moment, I would 
like to remain a regular member of the core team, but if any 
restructuring of the core team or clean up of inactive members is going 
to happen, I'm totally ready (and positive towards it) if my membership 
should be withdrawn.

I could conclude with long lines of praise of how cool it was to be 
working with you guys, and that I'm glad to be personal friends with 
many of you, and I'm sure that that will live on. But I guess you know 
all of that, so I'm refraining from going into details ;-)

All the best, cheers,

Ps.: I'm not going to be attending T3DD12, but I'm sure there's going to 
be some other opportunity to meet all of you again.

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