[TYPO3-core] FYI: Evaluating Jira / Greenhopper for Phoenix sprints

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Fri Mar 2 11:12:03 CET 2012

Hi folks,
the Phoenix team will evaluate Jira / Greenhopper for coordinating user stories and tasks for our sprints. We have discussed this a while now and hope that this will give us the needed overview of tasks and progress for the team and community (keyword: what are you guys working on anyway?). The main issue I had with Redmine was the lack of overview when working with user stories and tasks and especially finding things was pretty difficult.
I have set up some Jira instance on my server which we'll use for the next two sprints. As Atlassian grants free licenses for Open Source projects under the condition that it is run under a subdomain of that project, I have asked Steffen to set up a typo3.org subdomain for it.
After the two sprints we'll evaluate how it went and discuss the next steps with the related teams, including the core team of course. In case we continue to use it, it would be very easy to transfer the installation to a server maintained by the infrastructure team.
PS: If you'd like to check out what we're doing, go to http://jira.phoenix.typo3.org:8080 – if you need a user, just let me know

Robert Lemke – Fluent Code Artisan

Lead Developer TYPO3 Phoenix and FLOW3
Co-Founder TYPO3 Association

Get involved: typo3.org – flow3.org

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