[TYPO3-core] Custom TER and mirror

Xavier Perseguers xavier at typo3.org
Wed Jun 6 09:49:31 CEST 2012


I'm starting this topic as the next logical step of a blog post I wrote
2 days ago on how install and change TYPO3 to fetch localization
packages from a custom "mirror" [1] and a few tweets exchanged with
Helmut (@helhum) on whether it could make sense to include this feature
officially to TYPO3 6.0.

In short, the problem is as follows. As a freelance or a TYPO3 agency
you certainly have many cases where publishing your work to the official
TER either does not make sense or is not possible. Having an own TER for
your agency is already possible but quite complicated (this should be
better documented) and is really unclear wether having your own TER (to
easily roll out update your extensions on the customer's websites) will
prevent you from easily accessing the official TER mirrors as you
basically can choose 1 mirror.

Moreover, with Pootle we finally have a clever way of managing
translations without having to include all translated files within the
extension itself. And installing one's own translation server is really
straightforward and let us give access to translating our own custom
extension the same way it's done on the official TYPO3 translation
server. This is what I described in [1].

So the question, is whether *you* think it makes sense to add this kind
of feature to TYPO3.

Kind regards

[1] http://blog.causal.ch/2012/06/personal-typo3-translation-server-for.html

Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

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