[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #17244: Error Message while Updating 4.4.6 > 4.5

Oliver Hader oliver.hader at typo3.org
Fri Jan 28 13:50:18 CET 2011

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

Branches: Trunk

Accordant report in the bugtracker:
In the Update Wizard, in Step2 "Install Outsourced System Extensions":
Class tx_em_Connection_ExtDirectServer does not exist

The problem is, that the system extension "em" was not loaded. The
reason for that was the setting TYPO3_CONF_VARS.EXT.requiredExt which
had overriden the Core setting and thus did not contain "em" in the
list. Up to TYPO3 4.2 it was possible to manipulate this setting in the
install tool, thus affected are only updates from earlier versions and
those that keep this setting in their localconf.php.

Define a list of extensions that are really required for TYPO3 in a
constant. The requiredExt will be empty, but can be filled with
individual extensions. A new setting ignoredExt prevents extensions from
being loaded, this could e.g. contain "em" if it shall be disabled in
the backend.
However, in the install tool this new ignoredExt setting is not
considered and at least the required extensions (defined by the new
constant) are loaded and available.

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Leader

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