[TYPO3-core] RFC: #17289: Form protection tokens get lost because of a race condition when persisting tokens

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Jan 25 12:36:03 CET 2011

Steffen Gebert schrieb am 25.01.2011 12:20:
>> After some reports on twitter, I tried it myself: I can't log into the
>> backend anymore, as the page doesn't load. I suppose there's some
>> deadlock or infinite waiting to get a lock.
> After some time I get the
>> Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached,
>> aborting! in
>> /opt/local/apache2/vhosts/typo3dev/typo3_src/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php
>> on line 1024

It seems that t3lib_beUserAuth->logoff() is called when no valid session
is found (which is the case on the login screen), in which case a
persistTokens() is called, which triggers a fetchUserSession() (to get
the list of tokens), which then triggers another "logoff()" (because
there is no valid session) etc etc. An endless loop. A simple abort rule
at some place should avoid that.

Sorry for not noticing that before, but I have no time until late
afternoon to check for a fix. If someone could come up with a followup
on this, please share. The trouble can be simulated without waiting for
a lock by uncommenting:

  #$lockObject = $this->acquireLock();

in persistTokens() of t3lib_formprotection_BackendFormProtection.

Stack trace looks like:

1	0.0009	215264	{main}( )	../index.php:0
2	0.0009	215724	require( '/www/shared/TYPO3core/trunk/typo3/init.php' )
3	0.0353	3146228	t3lib_beUserAuth->start( )	../init.php:423
4	0.0353	3146300	t3lib_userAuth->start( )	../class.t3lib_beuserauth.php:145
5	0.0372	3151872	t3lib_userAuth->checkAuthentication( )
6	0.0381	3200092	t3lib_userAuth->fetchUserSession( )
7	0.0395	3209156	t3lib_beUserAuth->logoff( )	../class.t3lib_userauth.php:852
8	0.0419	3245588	t3lib_formprotection_Abstract->clean( )
9	0.0419	3245588
t3lib_formprotection_BackendFormProtection->persistTokens( )
10	0.0419	3245588
t3lib_formprotection_BackendFormProtection->updateTokens( )
11	0.0419	3245588	t3lib_userAuth->fetchUserSession( )
12	0.0426	3248672	t3lib_beUserAuth->logoff( )
13	0.0426	3248672	t3lib_formprotection_Abstract->clean( )



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