[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #15853: Improve the look of admin panel

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Jan 25 03:53:00 CET 2011

On 1/24/11 7:52 PM, Steffen Gebert wrote:
> It really sounds hilarious, but this patch makes the resizable textareas
> in the backend unusable (*) in Chrome 9 (works in Chrome 8).
> To be more specific: Adding the file admin_panel.css
> I don't know how and why.. yes.. but it is how it is.
> All definitions look well prefixed with #TSFE_ADMIN_PANEL_FORM, CSS
> validator and my two validator eyes also couldn't find any obvious issue.

After going line by line through the CSS, I managed to track it down to 
a specific CSS rule used to override inline styling...

#TSFE_ADMIN_PANEL_FORM #typo3-adminPanel-tsLog th span[style] {
	color: #fff !important;

Simplifying it as follows still results in the same behavior...

span[style] { }

For what its worth, I'm not able to duplicate it using the latest Webkit 
Nightly, just Chrome.

> So one question, which could remedy this problem: Has this file to be
> loaded in the backend? I don't think so, as it's loaded in
> lass.tslib_adminpanel.php. However, placing it in
> EXT:t3skin/stylesheets/(visual|structure)/ automatically causes it to be
> loaded in backend.
> Could this file just be moved to t3skin/stylesheets/adminpanel/ or
> similar? This should fix the issue.

Yep, I have no problem with a change like that.  Attached patch moves 
the stylesheet to t3skin/stylesheets/standalone/.

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