[TYPO3-core] FYI #17064: Cleanup: Update the Scheduler's manual for 4.5

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Fri Jan 21 22:45:59 CET 2011

FYI: the attached patch was committed to trunk in revision 10228

Type: Cleanup

Bugtracker references:


The Scheduler's manual must be updated before the release of 4.5.

Update it ;-) Since most of the changes were made inside a binary file, 
here's a detailed list of what I did:

In the manual:

* In the "Installation" chapter, in the "Base tasks" section I changed 
the text to explain that the Scheduler now provides a "true" task 
(caching framework garbage collection) and not just sample tasks. 
Furthermore I mentioned that several sysexts now also provides tasks, in 
particular the EM for updating the extensions list.
* Added a note about using lower case keys in the ext_autoload.php file 
(it's not really the place, but it's a common pitfall).
* Added a note that the full cron syntax was now supported.
* Added a section about validating input with security in mind when 
using additional fields.
* Cleaned up the credits to only mention the original developers of 
Gabriel, ancestor of Scheduler (the list of people having worked on the 
Scheduler was getting a bit long ;-) ).
* Updated all screenshots

On top of that:

* CSH texts were improved and cleaned up (found some old, unused strings)
* Raised extension version to 1.1.0 to mark improvements (especially new 
cron parser)
* Included a change which belonged to # but was forgotten (display 
feedback from cron parser extension in error messages when 
adding/editing a task), sorry.


Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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