[TYPO3-core] RFC #17109: Make the t3lib_utility_Mail hook subscriber optional / configureable

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Jan 20 00:55:12 CET 2011


This is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=17109

Branches: trunk

t3lib_utility_Mail::mail subscribed hook allows "old applications" which
used to send mail through it to go through SwiftMailer instead.

This allows old extensions which haven't been ported to make use of
SwiftMailer to gain access to the configurability of SwiftMailer
(different transports) and send RFC conformant E-Mails.

This works fine for simple cases but will fail as soon as the sending
application already tried to create the MIME confirmity itself (e.g. by
using other libraries or doing it on its own). We don't want to add a
full MIME parsing routines in Core just because of that backwards

Since this cannot be detected, we implement a switch to disable the
subscribed hook.

So if your installation uses some extension which sends mails, test if
it works and that the generated mails are ok "out of the box" (which
means that the SwiftMail hook is working), if it is not working (e.g.
empty body of the mail, wrong attachment count, or garbled mail
content), use the switch to turn the hook off (which also means that the
configured transport under [MAIL] are not regarded anymore, and mails
are send using the old school mail() method.


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