[TYPO3-core] RFC #17104: "Create new workspace projects" in be_users/be_groups not required anymore

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Jan 18 13:21:33 CET 2011

Tolleiv.Nietsch schrieb am 18.01.2011 12:12:
> Am 18.01.2011 11:58, schrieb François Suter:
>> I thought the draft workspace was migrated to function as a normal one.
>> Isn't that the case? Does it still not exist as a proper record in
>> sys_workspace? In such a case I understand that we need to keep this
>> option, however I dislike it. If the draft workspace is not migrated,
>> maybe it's something that should be planned for the next version.
> Absolutely right - once you run the migrateworkspaces wizard this will
> be done. But we can't restrict the people from using this "feature"
> because they can still enable it in the ExtMgm and use it right away.
> The wizard just provides a path to the good side of the force, doesn't
> mean everyone is willing to go that way ;)

The Upgrade Wizard path is *required* for any upgrades from 4.4 or
earlier to 4.5, so going through that steps is not be optional. So you
can assume this has been done when doing new work in 4.5. This is the
reason why we have the Upgrade Wizards: to be able to change stuff that
breaks backwards compatibility without breaking older sites.

If someone is running an upgraded 4.5 without having gone through the
Upgrade Wizard => they are on their own and we don't have to care.


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