[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #16253: Displaced Arrows when editing Page Properties and Content Elements

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Fri Jan 14 20:29:11 CET 2011


This is an SVN patch request

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=16253

Branches: trunk

These small arrows, which show that a value was changed, are displaced.

They are no longer placed in front of the changed input box, but at the 
end of the label above. That way they do not point to the changed part, 
but to something completely different.

Actually this is about the icon for empty required fields as well.

As proposed by Lars in the usability tracker, the icons have been moved 
to the left side of the fields again, but with some small differences:

The order of the two icons has been changed so that the arrow will be 
the leftmost icon followed by the triangle for empty required fields.

They will be positioned absolutely, so no additional spacing is 
required. The icons have been moved a bit more to the left though, so 
that the arrow will be left of the field, while the required icon will 
be inside the field, which is in this case empty anyway.



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