[TYPO3-core] RFC #16753: Hook request for manipulating the document rendering and adding own flash messages in user setup module
Thomas Löffler
loeffler at spooner-web.de
Wed Jan 12 16:25:26 CET 2011
Hi Ernesto,
thanks for the answer. I will try to handle it like Benni said.
If it will not work, I will go on with my solution and implement your
Am 12.01.2011 13:46, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> Hi Thomas,
> I understand the request, and since you seem to be active right now,
> maybe you can do that change still in time for beta4 (today!):
> Create a clear interface for the hook, this is the "new way" we are
> doing for new hooks. E.g.
> 1) interface.tx_setup_initSettingsFormHook.php
> 2) add it to "ext_autoload.php"
> 3) Loop through the SC_OPTIONS .. and make instances of it. Something like:
> foreach (blalba)
> $hookObject = t3lib_div::getUserObj($classData);
> if(!($hookObject instanceof tx_setup_initSettingsFormHook)) {
> throw new UnexpectedValueException('$hookObject must implement
> interface tx_setup_initSettingsFormHook', 1294836351);
> }
> $hookObject->initSettingsForm($);
> }
> See other examples of the use of this interface in
> typo3/interfaces/*Hook.php.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Ernesto
> Thomas Löffler schrieb am 12.01.2011 13:37:
>> Reminder #2
>> For a more secure backend...
>> Am 05.01.2011 09:20, schrieb Thomas Löffler:
>>> Reminder...*cough*
>>> Am 17.12.2010 11:09, schrieb Thomas Löffler:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> again a newly cleaned diff. From 3 hooks to only one hook. Thanks to
>>>> Steffen Gebert supporting me and for his time. :)
>>>> I have cleared another hook after getting a hint for using
>>>> t3lib_FlashMessagesQueue.
>>>> And I renamed the diff and give you an actual version of my
>>>> extension. :)
>>>> Thomas
>>>> Am 16.12.2010 19:15, schrieb Thomas Löffler:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> thanks for feedback on my first RFC.
>>>>> I've cleaned the diff from one needless hook and changed the
>>>>> position of another hook. Also, I checked the SVN path and the tabs.
>>>>> These hooks are especially for my extension "be_secure_pw".
>>>>> This extension lets the admin specify the requirements for a secure
>>>>> password like e.g. the length and the char type (lowercase, capital,
>>>>> digit or special char).
>>>>> I am using the first hook for putting some extra JS into the code.
>>>>> The second hook is for displaying a permanent flash message which is
>>>>> explaining the requirements of a password.
>>>>> The password is fully checked by ExtJS.
>>>>> I attached the new diff and my extension for testing.
>>>>> If something is still not okay, please mail. :)
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> Am 16.12.2010 14:46, schrieb Thomas Löffler:
>>>>>> This is an SVN patch request.
>>>>>> Type: Hook request
>>>>>> Bugtracker references: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=16753
>>>>>> Branches: TYPO3_4-5beta2& trunk
>>>>>> Problem:
>>>>>> No hooks in user setup module
>>>>>> Solution:
>>>>>> I will suggest some hooks to include in the user setup module.
>>>>>> With these hooks you can manipulate the document rendering and add own
>>>>>> flash messages.
>>>>>> It's my first RFC, so please be gracious. :)
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