[TYPO3-core] RFC #16939: ExtJS Tooltip / CSH styling

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Tue Jan 11 19:58:57 CET 2011

> I think the issue I'm seeing is that the CSH has a width based on the
> "Loading..." text for its first load. The next load of the same CSH uses
> the actual help text and ends up being wider. This is a very minor issue
> but is easily seen by allowing the CSH to load, mousing away, and then
> coming back to the same CSH.
The tooltips have a minWidth and maxWith. There are also cases, when 
they increase width once after moving the cursor.

> Adding a call to tip.doAutoWidth() inside updateTip() seems to fix it
> for me by recalculating the width after the text has been changed.
Okay, sounds reasonable. Will give it a try later or probably tomorrow 

SteffenK, could you have a look again, if it's okay to reset the tip.
Otherwise I count your early +1 and commit tomorrow.

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member

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