[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #16966: be_layout setting "none" is not working and be_layout should not be inherited automatically

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Tue Jan 11 17:13:23 CET 2011


This is a SVN patch request

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=16966

Branches: trunk


There are still two bugs with the current behaviour of be_layout and 

1. be_layout must affect the current page only - currently it affects 
subpages as well. be_layout_next_level must be used instead
2. be_layout setting "none" must stop the inheritance for the current 
page only while leaving behaviour of subpages as is
3. be_layout_next_level "none" must stop inheritance for subpages
4. currently "None" has no effect at all.

Additionally this change will have people easily access the selected 
be_layout via TS levelfield, since they just have to check for the 
be_layout value of the current page and/or for possible 
be_layout_next_level values in the rootline.

Attached patch will fix these bugs.
Rootlinefields have been changed accordingly.



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