[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #16702: TCEForm select dropdowns have text overlapping icon in Webkit

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Jan 11 00:19:07 CET 2011

On 12/17/10 10:16 AM, Jeff Segars wrote:
> Hey Ernesto,
> Thanks for the update! At least for Chrome on Mac, the text-indent is
> actually needed, otherwise it exhibits the same issues as Safari. With
> the v2 patch in Chrome on Mac, its back to text overlapping the icon again.
> Anyone else able to duplicate?

Finally found some time to come back to this one.  Chrome on Mac and 
Chrome on Windows actually render differently while Safari renders the 
same on both platforms. So much for browsers using Webkit and making our 
lives easier, huh? :)

Attached v3 keeps the text-indent around for Chrome on Mac but not on 
other platforms. I assume Chrome for Mac is the oddball here but if 
someone is able to test on Linux that would be great.

Safari Mac - Needs text-indent
Safari Win - Needs text-indent
Chrome Mac - Needs text-indent
Chrome Win - No text-indent
Chrome Linux - ???

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