[TYPO3-core] FYI: #17692: Updating translations does not work anymore

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Feb 24 23:48:44 CET 2011


the following patch was committed to svn
4_5 rev 10626
trunk rev 10627

Type: Bugfix

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=17692

When I try to update the translations in the (old) EM, the new zip files 
are downloaded, but they are not extracted to typo3conf/l10n/de/...
The only folder which gets extracted is "impexp" (why ever).

Result is an English BE.

When I switch back to the source of 4.5.0 and do the update there, the 
files are extracted correctly.

I wonder how this works in new em, or in any installation since RC1.
There is a rm call to the path, and path is always typo3conf/l10n

The purpose of this call seems to be deleting the extension translation 
folder before unzipping, as there was a problem with the unzip class and 
overwrite files.

Fixing the path of rm call fix the problem (old/new em)

vg Steffen
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