[TYPO3-core] RFC #17702: Directly open "inline edit" of page title after creating a new page with drag and drop in the pagetree

Stefan Galinski sgalinski at df.eu
Wed Feb 23 01:04:38 CET 2011


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Usability-Fix

Bugtracker references:

After creating a new page via drag and drop in the pagetree the inline 
editing should directly be active (so you can directly enter the new title).

This is a suggestion by Jens ;)

How To Test:
- Create a new page with drag and drop
- Copy a page with drag and drop or using the context menu

In all cases the created node should be instantly be selected for inline 

Stefan Galinski
staatl. geprüfter Informatiktechniker
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