[TYPO3-core] RFC #15721: Bug: Memcache::delete() without timeout param causes loss of memcache server in pool

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Sun Feb 13 15:27:16 CET 2011


On 12.02.2011 10:57 netz-haut - stephan seitz wrote:
> the issue in debian squeeze is a lower level incompatibility between the php5-memcache and memcached (each from the squeeze repository).
> I've already filed a bugreport to the php5-memcache maintainer. He's currently aware of this, but due to a version freeze, he needs to backport.

Until there's a backport from the official maintainer, I provide a fixed 
php5-memcache package for amd64 port of Debian Squeeze:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget 
$ sudo dpkg --install php5-memcache_3.0.4-4+t3node-1_amd64.deb

I can also provide i386 and armel if anyone is interested. Please send a 
direct mail.


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