[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15771: Docheader (save, save+view, save+close etc) missing
Steffen Kamper
info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Feb 7 15:47:58 CET 2011
this is a SVN patch request.
Type: Bugfix
Bugtracker references:
Branches: 4_5, trunk
Original bug description
Editing/creating new elements in any tables, no buttons are shown in the
This problem was partly solved with adjusting the splitbars.
However, an offset of 2.5 pixel still remains which lead to a jump of
content frame in most browsers. You can see this with attached extension.
The attached patch fixes this offset, though i have to admit that the
solution is outside of my understanding.
Thanks to ExtJs expert Condor (Menno) for this finding.
vg Steffen
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