[TYPO3-core] RFC: #17383: Open forms cannot be saved after "Relogin" (Security Token errors)

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Feb 7 15:03:56 CET 2011

Helmut Hummel schrieb am 07.02.2011 14:25:
> Hi Ernesto,
> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>> Any news on that, Helmut?
>> Having the relogin-tokens fixed is an important goal for 4.5.1,
> Is there a release schedule yet?

We had 9th March in mind for the 4.5.1, but it might turn out that we
release before the Code Sprint in Berlin (meaning e.g. 23th February) if
we get to fix the most annoying stuff before that (see the current
Roadmap for 4.5.1 [1]).

[1] http://bugs.typo3.org/roadmap_page.php

>> as it seems to annoy many people. :)
> I have this on my radar. I just wanted to have other things related to
> the formprotection and the login refresh fixed first (#17490 -> already
> committed, #17498, #17500, #17502), because they somehow interfere with
> what I am going to fix for this issue.
> So you could help speeding up the process by reviewing (and finally
> commiting) the mentioned issues ;)

#17500 and #17502 are resolved already.

#17498: I have started reviewing it, but will have to postpone that for
the next days, because it will also apply to 4.4, and we don't want
anything to break there. :)

But you could consider that "done", as it already has a review by Jigal.


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