[TYPO3-core] RFC: #17383: Open forms cannot be saved after "Relogin" (Security Token errors)

Helmut Hummel helmut.hummel at typo3.org
Mon Feb 7 14:25:57 CET 2011

Hi Ernesto,

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:

> Any news on that, Helmut?
> Having the relogin-tokens fixed is an important goal for 4.5.1,

Is there a release schedule yet?

> as it seems to annoy many people. :)

I have this on my radar. I just wanted to have other things related to 
the formprotection and the login refresh fixed first (#17490 -> already 
committed, #17498, #17500, #17502), because they somehow interfere with 
what I am going to fix for this issue.

So you could help speeding up the process by reviewing (and finally 
commiting) the mentioned issues ;)

Kind regards,

Helmut Hummel
TYPO3 Security Team Leader

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