[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #17351: PHP_SCRIPT_EXT/INT in 4.5 doesn't work

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu Feb 3 14:19:41 CET 2011

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:


Problem: PHP_SCRUPT_EXT and PHP_SCRIPT_INT don't work anymore.

page.10 = PHP_SCRIPT_EXT
page.10.file = fileadmin/scripts/phpinfo.php
set version back to 4.4.6 and it works again


The problem with PHP_SCRIPT_EXT is a missing class, while PHP_SCRIPT_INT 
even though it does exist and is registered in the class mapping array, 
was not working due to bugs in the class.

These were results of the fact that both _EXT and _INT have been called 
via PHP_SCRIPT in former TYPO3 versions.

Solution: Attached patch will create the missing class for 
PHP_SCRIPT_EXT as a copy of PHP_SCRIPT_INT and register it in the class 
mapping array. Additionally it will fix the bugs in both classes so that 
they will work again.



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