[TYPO3-core] RFC bug #17360: beforeWrap property of TMENU is not recognized anymore

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Tue Feb 1 13:00:13 CET 2011


Sorry my answer got "out of thread" somehow... so here it is again.

> Since you are "at it", Francois: The reporter mentioned to this fix (bug
> tracker) that "NO.after =</div>" was not working also (even with the
> patch). Could you check that please? Thanks!

I couldn't reproduce the problem. I changed my snippet to:

lib.menu = HMENU
lib.menu {
	1 {
		wrap = <ul class="nav">|</ul>
		NO.allWrap = <li>|</li>
		NO.before = <strong>*
		NO.beforeWrap = <span class="asterisk">|</span>
		NO.after = strong
		NO.afterWrap = </|>

and I got the "after" rendering properly, with wrap.

Maybe the reporter expected the "after" to come right after the 
"before"? Of course it comes after the menu item, so the above generates 
code like:

<li><span class="asterisk"><strong>*</span><a 

(the markup is all twisted, but it's just an example).



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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