[TYPO3-core] Which TYPO3 bug annoys you the most?

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Fri Dec 30 12:29:05 CET 2011


On 30-12-2011 12:16, Franz Holzinger wrote:
> On 28/12/11 12:02, Peter Niederlag wrote:
>> bugid? I have not seen this yet.
> reported under the bug about the Install Tool login
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5182

That is the old tracker, new link is:

And indeed it's about the Install Tool login when safe_mode is enabled. 
This is closed because safe_mode is not supported any more (under 4.5 it 
was more or less supported).

Can you give the correct bug number? Or file a report for it.
And as it "very often" happens to you, can you please give enough 
specifications about the server and client part with preferably a 
detailed recipe how to reproduce?

Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,

Jigal van Hemert.

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