[TYPO3-core] Backports of Features

Ernesto Baschny ernesto.baschny at typo3.org
Wed Dec 7 10:29:33 CET 2011

Hi Markus,

the CardLayout won't be backported to 4.5 (at least for now).

The HTTP Request2 feature should be observed in 4.6 if it really solves
all the linkvalidator issues. This is the reason why it is targeted for
backporting later on. Otherwise we would need to write half of the this
code into the linkvalidator to fix current issues with external URL checker.

Another candidate is an updated contrib/SwiftMailer.

Maybe you know about other interesting stuff that deserves backporting?
I would also consider performance enhancements and usability fixes as
potential candidates for our 4.5 LTS release.

I will discuss the backporting (the when and how etc) in the Release
Team Meeting in the next week, because we will need a different release
workflow consisting of at least one or two release candidates before
rolling our a 4.5 release with those backports.


Markus Klein schrieb am 07.12.2011 09:21:
> Hello everybody!
> After backporting a lot of patches as indicated on [1], I stumbled over a couple of patches that are marked for 4.5, but rely on a feature also marked for 4.5, which has not been yet submitted.
> The feature is: https://review.typo3.org/3370 
> The bugfixes are:
> https://review.typo3.org/3820 
> https://review.typo3.org/3909 
> https://review.typo3.org/3947 
> Additionally this feature is also marked for 4.5:
> https://review.typo3.org/3437
> Is there a general rule about features being backported to the LTS release?
> Should these two be backported?
> Kind regards
> Markus
> [1] http://www.typo3-anbieter.de/typo3-merges/ 

Ernesto Baschny
Core Developer V4 Team
Release Manager TYPO3 4.5

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