[TYPO3-core] RFC #15075: feature: make a pre-check for required php-extensions

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Tue Sep 28 11:14:29 CEST 2010


Am 28.09.2010 09:22, schrieb Xavier Perseguers:
> Hi,
>> Am 24.09.2010 20:20, schrieb Benjamin Mack:
>>> Could you please split up the DBAL part and the Core
>>> part, because the DBAL part goes in its own repository and should be
>>> committed by Xavier afterwards.
>> here we go:
>> 15075_v8-dbal.diff built against dbal project trunk
>> 15075_v8-installtool.diff built against core trunk
> Finally found time to review the patch. Here is my v9 which uses already
> existing method to retrieve supported drivers.

There is a minor bug in the function. Iterating $this->supportedDrivers
returns "odbc_mssql" which is not a valid PHP module.
This is why I explicitly defined the PHP module values.

IMO this won't hurt much, since there's no combination with odbc which
is not covered by native drivers. But maybe we should add a note to the

+1 by reading.


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