[TYPO3-core] RFC #15772 template::getHtmlTemplate

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Sep 28 01:03:49 CEST 2010


Peter Russ schrieb:
> Take it or leave it.
> Either you are interested in developing "Enterprise.....blabla" or not ;-)

i'm very disappointed reading such message from you. It's no problem to 
copy an existing RFC and change it with your details, that's what we all 
do and need for a normal review process.

We all like to improve TYPO3 all day, you can watch this especially in 
this list. So we _do_ develop all the time, and this beside our dayjobs. 
Remember - it's open source!

So you can image how time consuming this is, and every supporter knows 
how he can help saving time.

If you are interested, please help us with supporting. If you need 
discussion, use the other lists, as this list is for reviewing process only.

vg Steffen

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