[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15692: Allow other filename for module dispatcher than index.php

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Sep 24 12:43:53 CEST 2010

Steffen Kamper schrieb am 24.09.2010 12:30:
> Hi,
> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
>> The alternative is no patch at all, just leave the modules called
>> "index.php", or does it bother somewhere?
> yes - all the renames needed for sysextensions (like list module). Why?
> And why insist on index.php?

I do not insist, but I find it more consistent: conf.php using
dispatcher uses index.php.

Your scriptName change doesn't allow for more than one module per
directory yet, so your reasoning for having it is still not entirely
correct. For example:

- viewpage/view has a module "frameset.php" which then links to
index.php (in the same mod-directory).

- cms/layout has module "db_layout.php", but links to
db_new_content_el.php directly (in the same directory!).

I think that even with your "scriptName" change, you won't be able to
convert these cases to some meaningful dispatcher set, so more
adjustments will required anyway. For the sake of consistency I was
thinking that if we introduce more "dispatcher" calls in the core, we
should do it right, so that we don't set a wrong precedent.

But I haven't given a "-1", so if you find enough supporters of the
"scriptName" idea, fine with me. That's democracy ;)


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