[TYPO3-core] #15732 Backend textarea fields should also be flexible in height, even if text is just a continuous text
Steffen Gebert
steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Fri Sep 17 19:30:12 CEST 2010
Hi Sebastian,
thanks for your patch. It's your first one, isn't it?
Don't worry, a perfect first RFC is very rare (don't search for mine^^)
- so I have some comments for you:
> Type: Feature
> Branches: TYPO3_4-4
> trunk
New features can only go to trunk. Only bug fixes can be applied to
already released versions.
> So where's the patch? :-)
We usually attach the patch files directly to the RFC, because it's
easier to review directly.
You've attached to patches to the BT. They're both the same, aren't
they? You only have to send different files, when a patch doesn't apply
to all branches.
Also - to make applying easier - always create patches against typo3_src
directory. Then they can always be applied by executing "patch -i
patchfile.diff -p0", without searching for the file's location.
I've attached a corrected version to this mail.
Kind regards
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member
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