[TYPO3-core] RFC #8514: Feature: Add StdWrap feature "random Number/String"

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Tue Sep 14 13:28:23 CEST 2010

> Some background on "random numbers":
> Java's Math.random(): float between 0 and 1
> C++ rand(): integer between 0 and RAND_MAX (>= 32767)
> Python's random.random(): float between 0 and 1
> PHP's rand(): integer between 0 and (>=32768)
> -> default minimum = 0
> Key "number" is not descriptive! I'd favour keys integer & float.

+1, since there might be use cases for both, although most of the cases would need an integer

> Besides, t3lib_div::generateRandomBytes does not generate a string
> usable for a "random password". It generates "byte"-sequences!
> Generating a "random password" is a complex use case (character pools,
> umlauts, character encodings). I'd focus on basics at first:
> Integers, floats, hexstrings (see also
> t3lib_div::getRandomHexString()). 

> To comment Benjamin's comment in the bugtracker:
> Having
> stdWrap.hash = md5
> is useless because you are not interested in a transformation (hashing
> of an input) but only on the representation = a hex string
> Thats why I mentioned hexstring instead of a hash key.

+1 as well

BTW: Did you mean it as a general +1 for the having random values available via stdWrap as long as the patch gets the changes you mentioned?



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