[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15626: Feature: Add stdWrap to config.additionalHeaders

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Sep 6 14:23:06 CEST 2010

> As I wrote in the older thread:
> ------------
> Entries in "config" are plain historically. This is made for a reason:
> 'config' sometimes is used without the rest of TS. So cObj may not
> have all data necessary to do its work. I did not look to the patch
> but I think it is better to keep config like it is now. If you need
> something special, you can always make a userFunc. For "Location"
> header you can use <meta> tag with "page.headerData".
> ------------

Where do you get this information from?

AFAIK there are two official "variants" of CONFIG
a) as a top level object
b) inside another top level object (PAGE)

while a) can be used for default settings that will influence all PAGE objects, b) will only influence the PAGE object it belongs to.

This is not due to historical reasons but an official concept that is still working and useful.
A lot of setups using different page types is based on a combination of a) and b)

So I don't see any reason why there should be no stdWrap available for all parameters (not just additionalHeaders) inside CONFIG (regardless if it's used as a) or b)), since we already decided during the last T3DD to extend the usage of stdWrap functions much further, while improving the underlying code regarding performance.



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