[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15639: Add missing interface tx_scheduler_AdditionalFieldProvider to autoload registry

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sun Sep 5 21:30:03 CEST 2010

On 04.09.10 13:54, Marcus Krause wrote:
> Type: Bugfix
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=15639
> Branches: 4_3, 4_4, trunk

> Problem:
> Currently, the interface tx_scheduler_AdditionalFieldProvider is missing
> in scheduler's autoload registry. This will cause errors when using
> additional fields for a task configuration.

Hi Marcus,

I wonder why you have problems. On friday I created my first own 
scheduler task by simply copying & adjusting the example task, also 
including an own additionalFieldProvider - so this problem didn't occur 
(was 4.3).

Also there's
 > require_once (t3lib_extMgm::extPath('scheduler') .
 > 'interfaces/interface.tx_scheduler_additionalfieldprovider.php');
in tx_scheduler_Module, so the interface should be reachable there.

So.. only wondering - in principle I'm not against removing the 
require() and adding it to the autoloader.

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member

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