[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15573: Disable deprecation log in config_default
Reinhard Führicht
rf at typoheads.at
Wed Sep 1 16:50:37 CEST 2010
Am 2010-09-01 16:28, schrieb Reinhard Führicht:
> Am 2010-09-01 11:58, schrieb Sebastian Michaelsen:
>> Am 27.08.10 12:22, schrieb Reinhard Führicht:
>>>>> But what about limiting the space consumption of this file? Maybe
>>>>> allow
>>>>> only 200 entries in the file itself so that it stays rather small.
>>>>> Would
>>>>> that be a solution?
>>>> IMO absolutly.
>>>> Make it max 10mb or 20mb. This should be really no problem at all.
>>> OK, if this is the way to come to a compromise, then I will have a look
>>> and provide a patch.
>> I have another proposal which could keep the file size quite small and
>> handy and give a good overview:
>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=15617
>> I think I could get my hands on it soon. Maybe we could collaborate on
>> this Reinhard?
> Hi Sebastien,
> thanks for inviting me to participate, but I am not willing to do
> something until there is a solution that is acceptable for anyone in the
> core team. As far as I understood, limiting the file size by logging a
> deprecation notice only once, is not the preferred solution.
> There have been made good suggestions and Ingo is already working on
> something. So I will lean back and see where this all is going.
> Regards,
> Reinhard
Sorry Sebastian,
I got your name wrong. I should re-read my typing before hitting "Send".
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