[TYPO3-core] RFC #15998: Create a new API based on SwiftMailer to replace t3lib_htmlmail

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Sun Oct 17 12:11:04 CEST 2010

Am 17.10.2010 11:28, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> Exactly: the "send()" in our message class is just a helper because this is what "most folks"
> usually want to do with your created mail. This just creates a Mailer using the configured Transport.

OK. I really should have read the code :)

> But calling send() is optional, and you can also handle the created "message" your own way, or we
> might create other TYPO3 specific transports.


> I will create a transport called "debug" which will just write all created mails to a certain text
> file, that might be useful when debugging mail sending routines.

Great idea!!!


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