[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15184 Generation transparent images with GMENU fails

Mathias Schreiber [wmdb >] mathias.schreiber at wmdb.de
Tue Nov 2 16:48:10 CET 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=15184

Branches: trunk, 4.4

using transparentBackground in GIFBUILDER fails (the bugtracker entry 
refers to GMENUs, but basically all GIFBUILDER tasks are affected).
This is more like a follow up to Benni's changes in stdGraphic to 
internally work with truecolor images (which is a good thing).

Attached patch solves these problems.

PHP function imageColorExact only works with images that use palettes.
Truecolor images don't do this by concept.
PHP offers another function that does basically the same on non-palette 
images: imageColorClosest.

Steps to reproduce:
temp.headline = COA
temp.headline {
   10 = IMAGE
   10.file = GIFBUILDER
   10.file {
     XY = 200,100
     backColor = #FF00FF
     #transparentColor = #FF00FF
     #transparentColor.closest = 1
     transparentBackground = 1
     10 = TEXT
     10.text = Hallo Welt.......
     10.offset = 26,30
     10.fontSize = 30
     10.niceText = 1

Note: The two commented lines will make it work without the patch, but 
work against std. behaviour AND the docs.

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