[TYPO3-core] RFC #13750: Bug: Several GIFBUILDER features broken for IM4, IM6 and GM

Joerg Wagner [DigiLog] lists.typo3.org at digilog.de
Tue Nov 2 11:52:11 CET 2010

Looks like nothing has happened on this front over the last three (!) 
bug days.

I don't wan't to be annoying (well - in fact I want it a bit ;) but let 
me remind you that TYPO3 is currently defunct in one of its core 
functions when running on Windows servers.

A patch is available that fixes this problem without affecting any other 
functions and without changing the behavior on Linux systems.

The discussions here are about cleaning up the general mess around the 
ImageMagick integration (which is good and necessary). While this can 
and should be continued (next bug day?!?), we should IMHO first stop 
spreading a crippled system with every new TYPO3 version by simply 
integrating the available fix. People are stepping into this trap again 
and again (see: "[TYPO3-windows] help - graphicsmagick/combining 
images"). Why don't we get rid of it?


Cheers, Jörg.

schrieb Steffen Kamper am 09.07.2010 12:08:
> Hi,
> Jigal van Hemert schrieb:
>> If someone can donate a test server with IM and Unix in safe mode that
>> would make things somewhat easier :-)
> i'll ask wmdb to set it up for the upcoming bugday
> vg Steffen

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