[TYPO3-core] RFC#14534: Cleanup: Icons missing in the new icon-set, and therefore sprites

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sun May 30 23:29:41 CEST 2010

Am 30.05.2010, 23:13 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Hummel <helmut at typo3.org>:

> I applied this one with the patches for the toolbar, and now the icons
> in the toolbar are mixed up.
Have you tried installing an extension? Fixed it for me. Think we should  
also trigger checking with clear cache.

> Probably such (huge) changes should be done in a seperate branch next
> time and committed to trunk when they are ready.

So give us git, please ;)
I fear such a huge change/branche would never be merged back, because of  
it's a never ending story. Skinning can never be perfect (at least not in  
Now many people feel responsible to fix the introduced bugs - if I should  
have done all this alone, I would never succeed.

Nevertheless, I have to admitt that the timing of this patch wasn't  
perfect. But several reasons delayed this..


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