[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14520: Css correction for template modul

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Sun May 30 17:52:44 CEST 2010

Am 30.05.2010 16:17, schrieb Steffen Kamper:
> Steffen Ritter schrieb:
>> Am 29.05.2010 13:56, schrieb Steffen Kamper:
>>> Hi,
>>> this is a SVN patch request.
>>> Type: Bugfix
>>> Bugtracker references:
>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14520
>>> Branches: Trunk
>>> With the new BE design the align of spans and the table doesn't look
>>> nice.
>>> correct it.
>>> vg Steffen
>> -1 reading, same reasons...
> sry, i get angry now. After all, the vertical align is lost at so many
> places. Now it took me hours (sent completely day for it) to correct it,
> to get a -1 after all - you forgot to implement this!
> Also the alignment of checkboxes is lost, which let look the TCA forms
> horrable.
> So please come with an alternate patch instead -1 voting!
> vg Steffen
will do, just introduced the class already for other task, will present 
a v2 of your patches

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