[TYPO3-core] RFC #13750: Bug: Several GIFBUILDER features broken for IM4, IM6 and GM

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Sat May 29 13:58:14 CEST 2010

Benjamin Mack wrote:
> Hey guys,
> just so you know: The $frame parameter was moved OUT of the wrap 
> filename because of a problem with the frames [0] when using safe_mode 
> on Unix machines. This was a major bug and was introduced with 4.3.1 (I 
> think), and fixed with 4.3.2. So, please don't make the same mistake again.

According to the IM manual the $frame parameter must be put *inside* the 
quotes and not outside.

Isn't it more a problem of the way the wrapFileName() functions work?
[1], [2] also report issues with certain characters in a file name.

To me it seems that the problem was fixed in the wrong place.

> I think that we need to have this patch tested on
>  * Unix + Windows
>  * safe_mode on/off
>  * PDF thumbnail generation / GIFBuilder
> to be complete.

I agree. I can currently only test in Windows without PDF thumbnail 
support :-(

[1] http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=12661
[2] http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=11993

Jigal van Hemert
msn: jigal at xs4all.nl

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