[TYPO3-core] RFC #14461: TCEforms: Use fieldsets for palettes instead of tables

Andreas Lappe nd at off-pist.de
Fri May 28 17:59:34 CEST 2010

On 28.05.10, JoH asenau wrote:
> > Haven't fixed the CSS yet (to make it look like the old one), you're
> > happy to do so.
> According to our bugday-IRC-chat I changed the divs inside the fieldset to
> span, so that we can apply display:inline-block to them AND have this
> working in IE6 as well.
> CSS is attached as a separate patch.
> Cheers Joey

+1 from testing, works...


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 Rely on the meaning, not just on the words;
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 -Four Reliances of Buddha

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