[TYPO3-core] RFC #14324: Feature: Add spriteGeneratorAPI to support the new sprite-icon-api

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue May 25 23:15:26 CEST 2010

Hi Jeff,

Jeff Segars schrieb:
> Hey Steffen,
> One question in regard to supporting several skins.  What happens when 
> the availableSpriteIcons overlap between skins? Is there a chance that 
> some incorrect icons are used?

even i'm another steffen i can help out:
The skin defines 

There are already skins only adding/changing something to t3skin. So the 
later skin wins if overwriting availableSpriteIcons.
So for not defined icons there is a fallback to previous skin.

vg Steffen

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