[TYPO3-core] RFC #13160: Bug: Datepicker doesn't work with IE8 in French

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Tue May 25 21:48:06 CEST 2010

Am 25.05.2010, 18:34 Uhr, schrieb Alexandre Gravel-Raymond  
<a.gravel-raymond at alienor.net>:

> This is an SVN patch request.
> Type: Bugfix
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=13160
> Branches:
> 4.3 (fixed in trunk with the new ExtJS version)
> Problem:
> Because of an incompatibility between ExtJS function Ext.Override() and
> IE8, and due to the fact that the function is used in ExtJS French
> locale, the datepicker is unusable when one uses IE8 with a french
> interface while being a simple (non-admin) BE user : the date is not
> added to the related field after selecting a date.
> Solution:
> Removing the use of Ext.Override() and replacing it with the code of the
> corrected version of the function from ExtJS 3.1 makes the datepicker
> usable again.

+1 by reading and testing
* IE6+7 French (works now)
* IE6+7 German (still works)
* FF3 French/German (still works)

Thanks for getting this finally solved!


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