[TYPO3-core] RFC#14466: Bug: SpriteIconApi getSpriteIconForRecord does not find default icon

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue May 25 17:58:12 CEST 2010

On 5/24/10 2:04 PM, Steffen Ritter wrote:
> this is SVN patch request.
> Type: bugfix
> Branches: trunk
> BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1446
> Problem:
> Throughout core there's often the case that we need a icon for an table.
> this is often done via passing an empty array as "record" for such table.
> currently spriteIcon does not find any icon if the table uses
> typeicon_classes in extTables.
> The function has to bee improoved a little bit.
> regards
> Steffen

Steffen and I have been talking on Skype about a related issue.

When typeicons are defined, they do not have to be present for every 
possible type. If not typeicon is available for the current type, then 
it should fall back to the default iconfile defined in the TCA rather 
than showing the missing icon.

The solution hear is to require that all tables have the -default sprite 
and then we can fall back to that.

To see the issue in action, create a tt_news article with the default 
type (0) and note the missing icon compared to other types.


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