[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14395: Enable SQL Explain in BE

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat May 22 23:49:28 CEST 2010


Benjamin Mack schrieb:
> Hey,
> I don't see this feature critical for the overall goals of 4.4, and 
> therefore would like to postpone this one for 4.5.
> I'll mark it though so it will get in 4.5 right on time.

i have no problem. Maybe it's worth to bring this feature of DB class 
back in your mind. It's very informative to see the queries done in BE. 
So eg i saw in access module about 30 queries like
"SELECT uid from .. where pid = xyz"
So you get very quick some starting points for optimization.

Knowing this you can remind that in your code you can use this feature 
to see what happen in your (BE) App by simply setting
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->explainOutput = 1;
But this RFC was for the complete BE. So whenever you examine SQL in BE 
you can patch it with this one liner to see what happens.

> In general, btw, I'd like to have one single switch "PRODUCTION_MODE" / 
> "DEVELOPMENT_MODE" that enables deprecationlog, the right exception and 
> error handlers, the debugging stuff etc right out of the box. It feels 
> like you loose the grip of all these options more and more, the more we 
> introduce them.

FYI i attached the switch i use with inclusion in localconf. It's about 
3 Modes: development/ production (normal) / production (performance)

Something like this could be used in a later install tool like 
predefined sets, simple to switch

vg Steffen
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