[TYPO3-core] RFC #14367: Install Tool does not provide a logout possibility

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Fri May 14 00:24:11 CEST 2010


Helmut Hummel schrieb:
> On 12.05.10 19:15, Patrick Broens wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> And just a question. If the file has contents for keeping the file,
>>> should it be deleted? I am not sure.
>> No, when KEEP_FILE is there as content, it should not be deleted. That's
>> the purpose of this content ;-)
> I disagree.
> KEEP_FILE must only be used in development environments and
> in these environments I don't care about logging out of the install
> tool, so I won't klich such a button.
> In production context this file should be deleted, like it is done in
> the user setup thingy.

this turns the feature ad absurdum. If someone manually enter KEEP_FILE 
into this öock file he doesn't want that the file is been deleted by any 
Either we drop this feature or we respect it.

The deletion in user setup isn't correctly implemented - with this 
content the button "delete lock file" should be disabled too.

vg Steffen

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